Future-ready skills on your schedule| Learn why SparksBee is trusted by people around the world.

About Sparksbee online education platform

Sparksbee is an online education platform that offers online, personalised classes. It is an innovative education platform that offers a variety of engaging, small-group classes with thousands of choices. The students can focus on what they love most and develop new skills. We offer a wide range of subjects for different grades. This system enables students to learn faster and in a very interactive way.

Happy Students

Sparksbee online education platform
Ahmad Zaheer

The learning experience has been great! Learning math has never been easier.

Sparksbee online education platform
Fatima Asghar

I am very grateful for my teacher. He lets me ask questions and explains everything to me.

Sparksbee education
Ammara Zahoor

I love to learn and I got a certificate after I completed my math course. Now I have one more certificate to add to my collection.

Sparksbee student
Joseph Jo

Online tuition helps me to do well on my tests in school. I have been able to score the highest marks on my school test and it made me really happy.

sparksbee student
Chris Core

is my favorite subject, I am able to work on my weak skills with my online tuition and I really love to study.


We cover the grades or classes for level 5 to 10, 11+ study, and Islamic studies courses.

Just follow these simple steps!

  1. Visit sparksbee homepage
  2. Click: “Book A Free Class” button on the top right of the page
  3. Fill in your basic contact information
  4. Then, on our booking page Choose a date and time for your free one-hour class.
  5. Once you’ve booked your free class, you will receive confirmation email from SPARK LMS on class details as well as reminders!

It does not matter which educational syllabus in your school follows, we are proficient in custom content creation of any syllabus you belongs to such as oxford,11+ study and Islamic study concept.

Written content can be created in the form of textbook notes, questions & answers, MCQs, conceptual topics, solutions of numerical questions, quizzes, gamification  and puzzles etc.

We have more than 50 teachers’ team who work via telecommuting or on-campus work, based on the requirement. They have subject expertise and fully trained with the process of delivering complete digital solutions for the students.

Earlier the access to knowledge was not possible for all due to geographical boundaries. The trend of online education has helped in providing consistent education, and it offers an unlimited collaction and global opportunities to the students and teachers. E-Learning has various benefits over old learning methods such as reduced cost, virtual classroom, flexible & quick delivery, usefulness, time saving & effective and remote approach. usefulness

We have a large pool of teachers and assessors’ team specialized in their subjects. The teachers’ talent pool is distribute into two parts, one is on-screen and another is off-screen instructors. Off-screen teachers are subject specialist working on written content creation. On-screen teachers are expert in green-screen recording, chroma studio or multi-camera demonstrations.

learning platform

Book a free session

Students can take online classes anytime they want from this learning platform. Through these classes, students can get the same quality of education while they’re at home. Book a free class with Sparks-bee. Click on book a free class, pick your subject, select any date and time, and mention your personal information. An email will be sent to your registered email address and your kid can attend a free class as per the provided schedule.